About Us
Who we are
The Sustainable Development Directorate within the Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Grand Harbour was established in 2012 by virtue of the Sustainable Development Act, Cap. 521. The Directorate is tasked with formulating and implementing Government’s national sustainable development policies; building and enhancing capacity across Ministries to ensure effective mainstreaming of sustainable development principles across the workings of Government; as well as raising awareness and promoting sustainability issues and practices across society.
What we do
The Directorate dedicates a significant share of its resources to the development and implementation of sustainable development-related measures and policies. In so doing, the Directorate is continuously engaged in active consultation with various stakeholders whilst promoting sustainable development and overseeing its coherent implementation.
Our mission

Develop & Implement
Malta’s Sustainable Development Strategy, whilst updating and revising the mentioned Strategy in line with national, EU and international developments. Additionally, the Directorate is responsible for developing a set of indicators for measuring the progress achieved in the area.
Mainstream Sustainability
In the planning process of Government’s policy, programmes, projects and initiatives through the integration of sustainable development principles in the national budget process.
The Directorate also reviews sectoral Ministerial policies and plans to ensure that they are in line with sustainable development principles and that they factor sustainability in their workings.

By keeping citizens informed on sustainable development policies and initiatives and engaging them in related discussions and events. The Directorate also advocates and promotes sustainable practices across the public administration, the private sector and society in general.