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Digitising Malta’s First Autism-Sensitive Resource

18 Sep 2023 @ 08:58 08 Oct 2023 @ 08:58

18 – 08 October 2023

Digitising Malta’s first autism-sensitive recreational resource – increasing accessibility for children on the spectrum

Children on the spectrum have divergent needs and engage with content in different ways. This becomes a challenge when creating dedicated resources, especially those of the recreational kind. More often than not, many of the resources available are targeted toward raising awareness or educating about autism. Very few resources are available which are both educational and recreational, with the specific needs of these children in mind. ‘Mase in Space’ – Malta’s first autism-sensitive resource does exactly this. It pays particular attention to the fonts used, the colours selected, the positioning of the characters, as well as the rhythm and rhyme used in the storytelling. It supports these children in the development of their social and communication skills. The team behind ’Mase in Space’ originally approached GO to support them in the printing however this was considered as not aligned with GO’s sustainability efforts and purpose.

The solution was to digitise the resource and include interactive features. GO wanted to make this resource accessible to as many people, families, and children as possible. The impact is that the online version of Mase in Space broadens the reach and increases the longevity of the resource. More importantly it provides an alternative means of engagement between child and carer/parent, educator, or therapist, in a way which is meaningful to the child, whilst also providing the opportunity to enhance the child’s digital skills.

Targeted SDGs



18 – 08 October 2023




GO plc


Ms Ingrid Azzopardi


GO Social Media

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