It-Tabella ta’ Valutazzjoni ESG għal Malta
Il-komunità ta’ investiment għandha rwol kruċjali fil-faċilitazzjoni tat-tranżizzjoni lejn mudell ekonomiku sostenibbli għall-Gżejjer Maltin.
Il-kumpaniji Maltin qed jinvestu f’mudelli kummerċjali sostenibbli aktar minn qatt qabel. Dan qed isir b’aktar impenn lejn proġetti kummerċjali li jkollhom impatt pożittiv fuq l-ambjent, li jappoġġjaw id-dinamika soċjali tal-komunità Maltija b’mod sostanzjali, u li jiżguraw qafas aktar sod ta’ governanza korporattiva. Flimkien mal-kunsiderazzjonijiet kummerċjali tradizzjonali, dawn il-fatturi ESG jagħmluha possibbli li n-negozji joffru aktar valur miżjud lill-partijiet interessati u lill-investituri.
It-Tabella ta’ Valutazzjoni ESG għal Malta tgħin fil-viżibbiltà tal-kredenzjali ESG tal-kumpaniji kkwotati fil-Borża ta’ Malta, u min-naħa tiegħu dan jippermetti li l-investituri jqisuhom meta jkunu qed jieħdu deċiżjonijiet dwar investimenti.
It-Tabella ta’ Valutazzjoni ESG tidentifika l-impronta tal-karbonju effettiva ta’ dawn il-kumpaniji hekk kif huma jinvestu f’sorsi ta’ enerġija rinnovabbli. Jitkejjel ukoll l-użu effiċjenti mill-ilma u minn riżorsi oħra li jintużaw fl-operazzjonijiet ta’ dawn il-kumpaniji, biex jiġi kkwantifikat l-impatt ambjentali tagħhom
It-trattament ġust tal-impjegati, investiment fit-titjib tal-ħiliet tal-forza tax-xogħol u impenn sostanzjali għall-fatturi ta’ ugwaljanza huma xi wħud mill-kriterji li jixhdu l-impenn soċjali ta’ dawn il-kumpaniji, filwaqt li l-indipendenza u d-diversità tal-bords huma elementi ewlenin li jkejlu l-istruttura ta’ governanza tal-kumpaniji.
Applikazzjoni u Reġistrazzjoni
Biex tissottometti r-rapport ESG tiegħek u għal aktar komunikazzjoni, jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana fuq sustainabledevelopment@gov.mt
Rapporti ESG 2021
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 3.87 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 0.01 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | - |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 95.39% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | 50% |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 28% |
Female Workforce (%) | 12% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 43% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | - |
Different Ability Employment (%) | - |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 4.102 |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 0.95% |
Difference in total remuneration (salary) (%) | 37.92% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 4 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | - |
Director Meeting Attendance | - |
Director Average Age | 58 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 4.79 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 0.03 |
Recycled Water (%) | 0.55 |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | - |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 99.61% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | 10% |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 39% |
Female Workforce (%) | 63% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 4% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | 0.00888 |
Different Ability Employment (%) | 0.77% |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 0.49189 |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 2.50% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | -13.23% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | 93% |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 9 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 78% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 97% |
Director Average Age | 61 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 16.49 |
Water Consumed / Revenue (ltr) | 0.09 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | - |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 97.59% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | 23% |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 51% |
Female Workforce (%) | 63% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 2% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | 0.02034 |
Different Ability Employment (%) | 1.38% |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 13.9719 |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 1.94% |
Difference in total remuneration (salary) (%) | -8.82% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | 97% |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 13 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 85% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 99% |
Director Average Age | 54 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 5.37 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 0.01 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | - |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 87.30% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | 25% |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 53% |
Female Workforce (%) | 67% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 24% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | - |
Different Ability Employment (%) | 0.27% |
Lost Time Incident Rate | - |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 1.70% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | -0.43% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 28 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | - |
Director Meeting Attendance | 100% |
Director Average Age | 45.6 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 121.69 |
Water Consumed / Revenue (ltr) | 2.78 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | 0.01 |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 100% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | - |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 31% |
Female Workforce (%) | 37% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 60% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | 0.00078 |
Different Ability Employment (%) | 0.38% |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 2.68725 |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 0.66% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | -26.73% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 4 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 50% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 100% |
Director Average Age | 67 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 0.76 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 0.01 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | - |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 99.82% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | - |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 6% |
Female Workforce (%) | 14% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 1% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | 0.00159 |
Different Ability Employment (%) | 0.88% |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 3.96787 |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 0.63% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | - |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | 99% |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 10 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 90% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 92% |
Director Average Age | 49 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 110.28 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 0.38 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | 0.02 |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 100.0% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | - |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 31% |
Female Workforce (%) | 58% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 22% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours (%) | 0.01648 |
Different Ability Employment (%) | - |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 7.01375 |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 7.00% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | -61.22% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 11 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 18% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 95% |
Director Average Age | 63 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgCO2 Emissions per Revenue | 62.62 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (Itr) | 0.04 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | 0.01 |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 91.54% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | - |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 27% |
Female Workforce (%) | 31% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 4% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | 0.0003 |
Different Ability Employment (%) | 0.85% |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 0.7744 |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 1.38% |
Difference in total remuneration (salary) (%) | -15.39% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | 60% |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 8 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 38% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 98% |
Director Average Age | 57 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 5.65 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | - |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | - |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 98.89% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | 17% |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 25% |
Female Workforce (%) | 22% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 15% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | - |
Different Ability Employment (%) | - |
Lost Time Incident Rate | - |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 1.10% |
Difference in total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | -30.60% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 6 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 33% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 100% |
Director Average Age | 48.4 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 8.38 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 0.03 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | - |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 100.0% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | 33% |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 55.0% |
Female Workforce (%) | 66% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 2% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours (%) | 0.017385995 |
Different Ability Employment (%) | - |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 8.898781862 |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 0.94% |
Difference in total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | - |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | 98% |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 6 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 100% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 100% |
Director Average Age | 59.5 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 245.36 |
Water Consumed / Revenue (ltr) | 4.48 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues (kg) | 0.02 |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 73.72% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | 21% |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 40% |
Female Workforce (%) | 42% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 62% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | 0.03409 |
Different Ability Employment (%) | 0.44% |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 28.1764 |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 4.01% |
Difference in total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | - |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | 25% |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 9 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 78% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 87% |
Director Average Age | 62 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 9.12 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 1,410.23 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | 0.07 |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 93.33% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | 50% |
Female Management Cohort (%) | - |
Female Workforce (%) | 54% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 13% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | - |
Different Ability Employment (%) | - |
Lost Time Incident Rate | - |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 2.10% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | -77.82% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 2 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | - |
Director Meeting Attendance | - |
Director Average Age | 60 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 244.64 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 1.55 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | - |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | - |
Female Board of Directors (%) | 20% |
Female Management Cohort (%) | - |
Female Workforce (%) | - |
Multi National Workforce (%) | - |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | - |
Different Ability Employment (%) | – |
Lost Time Incident Rate | – |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | – |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | – |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | – |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 5 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 60% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 100.0% |
Director Average Age | 57 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | - |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | - |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed Revenues | - |
Social | Values |
Full Time Employment Rate (%) | - |
Female Board of Directors (%) | - |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 100.0% |
Female Workforce (%) | 50.0% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | - |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | - |
Different Ability Employment (%) | - |
Lost Time Incident Rate | - |
Training Hours (%) | 1.80% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | 105.59% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 7 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 100.0% |
Director Meeting Attendance | - |
Director Average Age | - |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 86.6552 |
Energy Consumption per Revenue | 0.248805 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 0.002086 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | 0.017599 |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 90% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | 13% |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 30% |
Female Workforce (%) | 36% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | - |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | 0.19% |
Different Ability Employment (%) | - |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 0.05% |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 0.79% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | -8.0% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | 80% |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 8 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 80% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 100% |
Director Average Age | 47 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 40.46 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 1.74 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | - |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 80.77% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | - |
Female Management Cohort (%) | - |
Female Workforce (%) | 18% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 21% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | - |
Different Ability Employment (%) | - |
Lost Time Incident Rate | - |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 0.13% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | -77.29% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 9 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 89% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 97% |
Director Average Age | 60.7 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 14.24 |
Water Consumed / Revenue (ltr) | 0.12 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | 0.01 |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 91.10% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | - |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 32% |
Female Workforce (%) | 46% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 19% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | 0.0057 |
Different Ability Employment (%) | 3.48% |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 6.0327 |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 1.23% |
Difference in total remuneration (salary) (%) | -14.13% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | 92% |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 7 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 29% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 100% |
Director Average Age | 67 |
Environment | Values |
Net CO2 Emissions / Revenue | -0.00388 |
Water Consumed / Revenue | 4.0E-05 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | 0.000154 |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 87.50% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | - |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 33% |
Female Workforce (%) | 38% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 13% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | - |
Different Ability Employment (%) | - |
Lost Time Incident Rate | - |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 1.26% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | -11.62% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 5 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 100% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 100% |
Director Average Age | 44 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgCO2 Emissions per Revenue | 269.56 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 1.74 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | 0.10 |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 92.31% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | - |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 50% |
Female Workforce (%) | 38% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 15% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | - |
Different Ability Employment (%) | - |
Lost Time Incident Rate | - |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 0.20% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | -3.07% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 6 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 100.0% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 94% |
Director Average Age | 64 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 0.24 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | - |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | - |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 96.30% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | - |
Female Management Cohort (%) | - |
Female Workforce (%) | 20% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 22% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | - |
Different Ability Employment (%) | - |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 3.87678 |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 1.67% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | -34.54% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 1 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | - |
Director Meeting Attendance | - |
Director Average Age | 70 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgCO2 Emissions per Revenue | 6.84 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 0.05 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | - |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 96.48% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | - |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 20% |
Female Workforce (%) | 31% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 20% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | 0.00337 |
Different Ability Employment (%) | 0.44% |
Lost Time Incident Rate | - |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 1.09% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | -23.65% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 7 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 86% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 94% |
Director Average Age | 57 |
Environment | Values |
Net CO2 Emissions / Revenue | 0.000919 |
Water Consumed / Revenue | 5.82E-06 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | 0.000375 |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | - |
Female Board of Directors (%) | 60% |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 75% |
Female Workforce (%) | 100% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 17% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | - |
Different Ability Employment (%) | - |
Lost Time Incident Rate | - |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 0.00445 |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | 0.762303 |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | - |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 6 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | - |
Director Meeting Attendance | 100% |
Director Average Age | 54 |
Environment | Values |
Net Energy kgC02 Emissions per Revenue | 165.15 |
Water Consumed per Revenue (ltr) | 0.32 |
Recycled Water (%) | - |
Waste Consumed / Revenues | 0.05 |
Social | Values |
Permanent vs Temporary Contract Ratio (%) | 98.90% |
Female Board of Directors (%) | - |
Female Management Cohort (%) | 25% |
Female Workforce (%) | 40% |
Multi National Workforce (%) | 30% |
Parental Leave Hrs vs Total Labour Hours | 0.00015 |
Different Ability Employment (%) | 1.10% |
Lost Time Incident Rate | 2.92483 |
Training Hours vs Total Labour Hours | 0.23% |
Difference in Total Remuneration (Salary) (%) | 28.98% |
Employees Under Collective Bargaining Agreements (%) | 71% |
Governance | Values |
Board Size | 6 |
Independent Directors Making up the Board | 50% |
Director Meeting Attendance | 100% |
Director Average Age | 51.5 |