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The Sustainable Development Network

Article 9 of the Sustainable Development Act, Cap. 521 establishes the Sustainable Development Network with the aim to promote sustainable development in Malta. The Network’s function is to encourage widespread sustainable development knowledge and practices.

Following the amendment by virtue of Act No. I of 2019, the composition of the Sustainable Development Network was amended to mandate the Network with setting up a number of sub-committees that can promote the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development and that shall consist of representatives of the social partners, actors and of those with a specific interest in the area.

What is the Network composed of?

• A chairperson appointed by the Prime Minister;

• A deputy chairperson appointed by the Minister;

• The Sustainable Development Coordinators responsible for economic, social and environmental issues;

• A person from the Non-Governmental Organisations sector having knowledge of and experience in environmental matters, appointed by the Minister;

• Individuals with knowledge and experience in: (i) commerce, economy and industry; (ii) social and community affairs; and (iii) environmental matters. These are appointed by the Minister following consultations with the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development.


Board Members


Mr Marvin Zammit


Dr Janice Formosa Pace


Mr Joseph F. Caruana
Ms Nancy Caruana
Mr Mark Musù
Mr Eucharist Bajada
Dr Maria Brown
Ms Romina Fenech


Dr Dirk Urpani

The Sustainable Development Network Sub-Committee

The Sustainable Development Network Sub-Committee has the prerogative to propose recommendations to the Sustainable Development Network on how to effectively promote the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development in line with Part V Article 9(3) of the Sustainable Development Act.

The main responsibilities of the Sustainable Development Network Sub-Committee are as follows:

o Advise the Sustainable Development Network on the priority areas it should address in promoting sustainable development basing itself on the experience of its members;

o Advise the Sustainable Development Network on the instruments needed to facilitate community participation in the promotion of sustainable development; and

o Advise the Sustainable Development Network on how to enhance public awareness and understanding of the principles of sustainable development.